AVEGA Revision S.à r.l.

Audit | Internal Revision | Advisory Services

AVEGA Revision S.à r.l.

Your Partner for Audit, Internal Revision and Advisory Services

The company is managed by Frank Thihatmar (Réviseur d`entreprises agréé and independent auditor) and his partner colleagues Thomas Haack (Expert Comptable) and Holger Stoelben (Réviseur d`entreprises agréé).

Owing to the different focuses of the company’s partners and employees, AVEGA Revision S.à r.l. is able to offer a wide spectrum of services.

AVEGA Revision – Contacts

Your contact partners

Frank Thihatmar

Managing Partner

Thomas Haack


Holger Stoelben

AVEGA Revision – Services

Our services

Audit of individual and group financial statements

Audit of commercial, service and real estate companies, international holding structures (private equity and real estate), as well as audit of consolidated accounts (IFRS and Lux-GAAP) and securisation vehicles

Internal Audit

Audit and internal revision of PSF, AIFM and investment companies

Business Valuation

Extensive experience in the performance of business valuations in accordance with internationally acknowledged valuation methods

Business Plans & Finance Models

Excel based preparation of integrated business plans and finance model

Purchase Price Allocations & Impairment Tests

Preparation of purchase price allocations and impairment tests in compliance with national and international standards

Restructuring Support

Provision of support during restructuring phases (preparation and analysis of liquidity, working capital and financing planning, as well as redevelopment reports)

AVEGA Revision – Services

Our services

Audit of individual and group financial statements

Audit of commercial, service and real estate companies, international holding structures (private equity and real estate), as well as audit of consolidated accounts (IFRS and Lux-GAAP) and securisation vehicles

Internal Audit

Audit and internal revision of PSF, AIFM and investment companies

Business Valuation

Extensive experience in the performance of business valuations in accordance with internationally acknowledged valuation methods

Business Plans & Finance Models

Excel based preparation of integrated business plans and finance models

Purchase Price Allocations & Impairment Tests

Preparation of purchase price allocations and impairment tests in compliance with national and international standards

Restructuring Support

Provision of support during restructuring phases (preparation and analysis of liquidity, working capital and financing planning, as well as redevelopment reports)

As independent auditor («Cabinet de révision agréé»), AVEGA Revision is certified by the Luxembourg financial supervisory authority (CSSF) and is a member of the Institut des Réviseurs d´Entreprises (IRE), of the Ordre des Experts-Comptables (OEC) and of the Association of the Luxembourg Fund Industry (ALFI). Furthermore, the company is registered with the German Chamber of Auditors (Wirtschaftsprüferkammer – WPK) and represented at the Institute of Public Auditors in Germany (Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer – IDW).

Additionally, AVEGA Revision is a member of Russell Bedford International, a global network of audit and consulting companies and specialized legal advisers.  With the help of our cooperation partners in more than 100 countries worldwide, we will provide support regarding any questions or issues beyond the borders of Luxembourg.

AVEGA Revision performs statutory and contractual audits both in Luxembourg and in Germany.

The AVEGA Revision team has extensive experience in audit, advisory services and business valuations, with a variety of companies of different sectors, operating both nationally and internationally. Furthermore, the company’s employees are highly experienced in audits and internal revisions of PSF, AIFM and investment companies (chapter 15 and chapter 16).

Regarding the handling of complaints under the CSSF regulation 16-07, please click here for information on non-judicial procedures for the handling of complaints.

AVEGA Revision ist Mitglied bei folgenden Organisationen


Russell Bedford International

Ordre des Experts-Comptables (OEC) Luxembourg

Institut des Réviseurs d´Entreprises (IRE)

Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers (ALCO)

AVEGA Revision ist Mitglied bei folgenden Organisationen


Russell Bedford International

Ordre des Experts-Comptables (OEC) Luxembourg

Institut des Réviseurs d´Entreprises (IRE)

Association Luxembourgeoise des Compliance Officers (ALCO)